
Word of the week, Patronising, it just keeps coming up.

Watch Demi dance, green hoody... http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php?v=1402137650407 !!!

The reason i won’t move out and go flatting with randoms; the inconsiderate bastards that my bestie lives with in Welly.

I think i have a plan... Probably said that before? Hmmm well i put ‘think’ in front to cover my bases.

What is the point of life? Sure as hell aint money, sex and drugs! (so sick of immature little brats who think it is)

Should have bought that street art book at Iko Iko...

I like the idea of Buddhism... Reading a book about Tibet and getting inspired.

Why do i get happiness out of seeing others fail? I’m in a constant state of comparison. Me vs. The World.

Only spending money on important things like literature & film, and saving the rest.

You are the Dalai Lama to my Monk.

I wonder how many people have their Facebook profiles open for everyone to look at and don’t know it?

There is not a person more valuable than another


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