Breaking Up ... & Shit

I've been meaning to write this all down for some time now. I guess I need to, to be perfectly honest. Get it out on paper (or on screen), for some personal therapy. It's not like anyone will really read this anyway. And if you do, well, now you now.

After 5 odd years of being 'in a relationship', i'm now single. Yep, all single. Alone. Relationship gone-burger.

To be frank, things hadn't been working for a long time. I was really unhappy with where my life, and the relationship, was going. I was stuck in this round and round daily routine, and it took a lot of strength to escape that. But, in the end it was really a quite grown up end to it. We both talked things through and there was no anger towards each other, just sadness, sadness and realisation that we weren't going to make it, we weren't meant to be together forever.

I'm kind of in limbo right now, there was sadness, anger and a little bit of regret in there but now i'm feeling content, bordering on happy, I just don't know where to go from here. I could do anything if I think about it. I want to do lots of things. I just don't know where to start. Wow i'm rambling right now. This really isn't the best thing i've ever written - this is a hard subject to write about.

I still really care about this guy, I really want his dreams to come true, and I know if he works hard he can do anything he wants. He is an amazing person - I hope he can see that and I hope he is doing great! As for me, well I guess this is a new beginning, I have yet to make any moves (coz I honestly have no idea what I want), but I think I will start with getting to love myself again.


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