Am I Doing It Right? My Experience with Reiki, and Other Wellness Ideas.
My Psychic Art |
I didn't choose to attend a women's Angelic Reiki group, I thought I was going to meditate with my flatmate and a bunch of her friends - turns out it's kind of the same thing!
My flatmates had raved about their previous session so I thought it could be beneficial considering my recent decision to take life by the horns, accept new challenges and focus on being the best, happiest me possible. I have now been to two sessions and thought I'd share my experiences with you, and also let you in on a few other things I've been doing to improve my physical and mental wellness.
First of all I'll just set the scene as I write this post - I'm currently sitting in a beautiful home with a view of the ocean. Saying yes is one way to challenge yourself - I've said yes to house sitting for a workmate so he can enjoy a holiday - I'm looking after the cat - the house and the view are just a bonus. The ocean has always calmed me, one day I'll live with a similar view but this will definitely do for now. Try saying yes more often!
Another home with a gorgeous sea view is that of Rebecca Gambles. Rebecca holds Accelerated Ascension in her living room in Atawhai every fortnight for $25.00. She manages to make a living from healing, and teaching others to heal. Thursday just gone (my second visit) Rebecca had 17 women sitting on the floor eager for an out of body experience, myself included.
2016 was an interesting year personally, I felt like I didn't achieve much, especially compared to the year before. I had my head down, beavering away, but nothing big had changed. By the end of the year I was quite down, and knew it was up to me to make something happen. So, I started on the inside, by opening up to things like Rebecca's group.
On my first visit, the group was much smaller. They started off by chatting away about how they had all been since their last time, and I introduced myself and discussed my previous experience with meditation (very limited, but with a willingness to learn). Then, Rebecca talked us through the meditation, calling in the Angels and Galactic Beings to guide us and heal us - something that seemed so natural for her but a little harder for me to adjust to, having no previous experience of Reiki. She told us to to focus on being connected to the earth via our sacral chakra, and to surround our auras with roses. From there I got lost.
I could still hear her words but I also felt like I had floated off somewhere else. It is hard to explain. I wasn't sure if there was an external force at work or if I was just imagining the whole thing. I saw things that had not been spoken of, things from deep within me that made me shed a tear, and had a couple of realisations that calmed me. Then, the whole thing was over - and as she called the Angels away - I felt energy pull itself out from inside my body - it must have been real? We finished the night by analysing each others finger paintings, mine looked like a kidney, or a womb, or new beginnings, and a myriad of other things too.
I went home feeling calm, but also with that question on my mind - had I done it right? Then, later on, do I believe what I saw? The only way I could answer, or try to, was to give it another go. So last week I went back with high hopes of an even deeper meditation. Last week's events were huge. I bought a house! And I've started to see a new guy. The culmination of these two things had me on edge, so I told the 16 other ladies and Rebecca I was feeling physically ill. I guess that's what did it. I didn't have any waves of energy this time, or an emotional overtaking, I just got a dead leg and frustrated at myself. The only good thing was the sick pit in my tummy was gone, and my flatmate had a wonderful smile from her own experience.
Had I failed at Reiki (can you fail)? Everyone else seemed to have had magic happen during the meditation. I was left thinking it might not be for me, or that it's not the right path to be taking right now. Maybe I'm not ready. So for now I think I want to focus on some other things to help my personal development that don't leave me quite so unsure.
Here are a few that I have already tried:
- As already mentioned, start on the inside - make the decision to change.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Surround yourself with positive people - for me this is really easy at the moment, and I feel so happy!
- Train your ass off (or on!) at the gym, the way you feel after a class/training is unbeatable.
- Resist Temptation - Sometimes saying no is as rewarding as saying yes - say no to bad food, bad people, and bad habits.
- Be alone and enjoy it. Take a walk, or a drive on your own. Being alone is okay.
- Make lists and tick them off (oh the satisfaction).
- Eat well - I must work on this - but you will feel so good for it!
- Be creative, write more, read more & take photos.
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